Using an infant car seat is one of the requirements for child passenger safety. Cybex and UPPAbaby are high-end baby strollers and car seats.
Cybex Aton or UPPAbaby MESA are both excellent if you are concerned about safety. Cybex Aton has numerous models that you can choose from which is a plus.
Both products are rear facing infant car seats. This means that once your baby reaches the weight limit you will need to transition to a forward facing car seat.
About Cybex Aton
Cybex manufactures a range of baby products. Apart from infant car seats, they also produce baby carriers and strollers. Cybex has been making baby car seats since 2005 and has a great deal of experience in the business.
Aton is one of Cybex’s best inventions. The original Cybex Aton was designed as a simple car seat but has since evolved to a state-of-the-art car seat and has different models. The Cybex Aton is the oldest model, consisting of Aton 2, Aton Q, Aton B, Aton 5, Aton M, and Aton M i-size. All Aton products have high functionality and safety. Amongst the Aton model, the Aton 2 is the most popular. The designs are spectacular. They are also available in various colors.
- Tensioning system: One of the most impressive features of this product is its tensioning system. Cybex Aton has one of the best tensioning systems compared to other brands, and it is easy to fix. All you have to do is open the tension plate first, after which you put the seat belt in place, route it through the tension plate, and close the plate. Just like that, you have done a proper installation of your infant car seat.
- Baseless installation: You can also install Cybex Aton without the base. This feature is useful when you have to quickly fix your infant’s car seat into a car that is not yours or temporarily. Baseless installation follows federal safety standards. You can do a stable fitting without the base by routing the shoulder belt to the back of the seat head. This method is known as the Euro routing method or the European belt path.
- Durability: You can use Cybex Aton from birth until 18 months. The seat supports 4 – 32 lbs.
- Baseless installation option
- Ease of installation
- Front adjust harness
- Seat belt tensioning plate
- Comfortable
- Earlier models have a short canopy
- Long harness cover
About UPPAbaby MESA
UPPAbaby defines style and elegance and is an American seat expert. All their products are made with extra care and improved with technology. UPPAbaby has been in business since 2006 and is considered one of the best. The UPPAbaby MESA is one of their first products, and it has dramatically improved, especially with the addition of technology to enhance safety. They offer the safest car seats for your infant.
The MESA is also easy to install because of its added technology. Like most infant seats, you can do it with or without the base. There is also a limited lifetime warranty on all their infant car seats. The warranty resonates with their commitment to safe and durable products. UPPAbaby MESA is suitable for babies between 4 – 35lbs. It is also convenient and easily adjusted for preemies. Babies can use it until they are about 32 inches in height.
Although UPPAbaby products may be more expensive when compared to others, users have stated that it is worth the money.
- Smart, secure system: UPPAbaby is quite innovative with its car seats. The product has an intelligent security system. The car seats have a tightness indicator that informs you how loose the car seat is when installed. This feature improves correct installation. The LATCH connector for UPPAbaby MESA is also self-refractory. It automatically refracts depending on the tightness of your seat. This function makes it super easy to install these car seats.
- Side Impact Protection: UPPAbaby MESA car seat’s headrests are there for comfort and additional safety features. They are adjustable and contain EPP foam which protects the baby and ensures linear side impact protection.
- Canopy: UPPAbaby MESA car seats canopies are extended and very effective for protection from the sun. You can also refract on days you don’t need them. When you refract them, they can become invisible.
- Base indicator: UPPAbaby MESA comes with a base light indicator for accurate base installation. The light goes from red to green to indicate the successful fitting of the base.
- Fire resistant
- Washable seat fabric
- Chemical-free materials
- One-handed stroller release
- Easy harness
- Tightness indicator
- Secure base indicator
- Expensive
- Heavy
Similarities between Cybex Aton and UPPAbaby MESA
Although they are from different companies and serve the same purpose, both products have similarities in their designs and outlook.
- Both can be installed with or without base: Sometimes, you may have to use public transportation or even a friend’s car. In such a situation, fitting the seat base all over again may seem like a lot of work. You can install both Cybex Aton and UPPAbaby MESA seats without the base, making moving around more manageable for you.
- Stroller compatibility: Cybex Aton and UPPAbaby MESA both have travel capability. Thye can be attached to a stroller when you need to move around without a car. You can easily connect either product to a stroller using seat adapters.
- Easy installation and safety features: You can easily install both products, and anyone can fit them into a car. Both products also come with features to ensure child passenger safety.
Differences between Cybex Aton and UPPAbaby MESA
Although both products serve the same purpose and are very similar, notable differences can influence your choice. The UPPAbaby MESA is technology adapted. Light indicators show you when you’ve installed your seats. Cybex Aton, you have to rely on your abilities.
Another notable difference is that Cybex Aton uses the European routing path for baseless installation while UPPAbaby MESA uses the American method.
Cybex Aton and UPPAbaby MESA are both popular choices. They are both easy to use and safe, which should be your priority when picking a baby’s car seat. They have some differences, but that doesn’t affect their efficiency or function. You should read the seat manual to ensure that you fit a safe car seat for your infant.
Whichever infant seats you decide on, know that you are making a great choice as both products are best sellers and have excellent customer reviews.
Paulo is a passionate dad who founded Wumblers to share his parenting journey with other new parents. He graduated from Concordia University and worked as a test engineer for over a decade. Paulo loves dad jokes and craft beer.
Learn more about Paulo and Wumblers here.